Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Snail Graveyard

(photograph ©2011, 

The Snail Graveyard

They know-
Somehow they know.
They know where to end up,
Where they are all supposed to die.
But how?

They're here-
All of them: alone, together.
Each found his way, his place,
His spot to die –
In peace.

 © Jill Elizabeth Arent Franclemont

Jill Elizabeth Arent Franclemont, a  former corporate attorney and government relations and health policy executive, walked away (well, skipped actually) from the big-city worlds of corporate and political America and headed for a more literary life (equally challenging, but infinitely more enjoyable).  Visit Jill at All Things Jill-Elizabeth and leave a comment about her poem below.