Sunday, July 22, 2012

Who Am I?

(In and Out, © Jill Arent, 2009)

Who Am I?

Just in the nick of time,
I figured out that who I am does 
not have to be who I was.
Looking backward, I was trapped in 
selves that no longer fit.
Looking forward I am completely free, 
which is a trap all its own.
Everything is possible – or is it?
In any given moment,
Someone, somewhere is stuck 
between a rock and a hard place –
A sword and a stone.
When you don’t know 
what you are looking for, 
Rarely will you find it.
I see that now, and realize
There is no need to fear freedom or 
worry about what I will find if I look.
Everything has a time, a place, 
a reality of its own – 
Reaching for it can only help.

 © Jill Elizabeth Arent Franclemont

Jill Elizabeth Arent Franclemont, a  former corporate attorney and government relations and health policy executive, walked away (well, skipped actually) from the big-city worlds of corporate and political America and headed for a more literary life (equally challenging, but infinitely more enjoyable).  Visit Jill at All Things Jill-Elizabeth and leave a comment about her poem below.